
The TSA and “security”

If you want an example of the worst security in the world, look no further than the TSA. This isn’t a statement out of spite or malice, they do actually have the worst security of any large organization I’ve ever seen. Consider if you will what the TSA is known for, securing airports. What kind […]


Global Awareness

Last week Belgium was hit with one of the largest DDOS attacks in history. It took down the Belgium government along with most of the rest of the country’s internet. Now, over a week later, the news has been strangely silent about it. The most likely culprit is the Chinese government. Belgium is the home […]

CyberSecurity Shell Scripting Uncategorized

Securing your script

Figuring out how to secure your shell script can be difficult. One of the great advantages to using a language such as PHP is some of the security items are already built into the functions you use. Many people believe this makes PHP more secure; however the same amount of security can be achieved with […]

Linux Nix Shell Scripting Unix

Loopy scripts!

Learning how to use a loops in any language is the WOW point for most people. That moment when they go from “I don’t see the point in this” to “I can use this to rule the world.” Most programing languages have three loops and they are similar or identical in what they do and […]